Pack Design | Brand Management

Redesigning Breyers Delights (a delicious ice cream low in calories, high in protein, low in fat and made with fresh cream) proved to be a bigger challenge than anticipated.
The original packs, even though colourful and playful were quite busy and our research showed consumers found it hard to absorb all the information displayed.

The before and after above feels like quite a natural evolution. However, the process to achieve this result was not simple.
After many months and rounds of design, with most of the team tired and unsatisfied with the preliminary results, I decided to take things into my own hands and draft what I saw as the ideal new pack.

Once this draft concept was internally approved, we enlisted the guys at Pagina3 to translate it into a professional final design and artwork.

| Working at: Unilever / Breyers
| Role: Brand Manager (Client) + Concept Design
| Pack Design Adaptive Agency: Pagina3